Top Proteins for Gout Patients

Top Proteins for Gout Patients

Gout is another name for inflammatory arthritis, and this type of inflammatory condition flares up suddenly and causes a variety of symptoms such as pain, tenderness, and redness. Dietary interventions and following the right dietary tips for gout go a long way in managing the symptoms and curbing frequent flare-ups.

People suffering from gout usually have high uric acid level readings in their blood reports. Protein-based foods are often the culprit here, and hence caution needs to be exercised while consuming them. When there is the excess formation of uric acid in the bloodstream or the body is unable to get rid of the excess protein quickly enough, it is deposited in the tissues of the body, such as joints, as needle-shaped crystals, leading to pain. Avoid a high-purine diet to stem the uric acid buildup. Follow these dietary tips for gout to reduce pain and stiffness.

Meat and eggs
Avoiding high proteins can be considered one of the best dietary tips for gout as you are most likely to receive from your doctor if you suffer from this inflammatory condition. Although people with gout are said to avoid meat with high quantities of purine such as organs, shellfish, seafood, sausage, and bacon, they can still eat meat with comparatively lesser purine content. One can even have eggs in moderation, say four a week.

Cold-water fish
All types of meat may not make it to the gout-friendly food list. However, fish can certainly find its way to the list, especially tuna or other such cold-water fish. It is important to have it in moderation to avoid sudden gout flare-ups, and one serving a day is ideal.

Nuts and seeds
One of the best dietary tips for gout is to add nuts and seeds to your diet, at least two tablespoons a day. A few of the fiber-packed and good-fats filled nuts and seeds include cashew nuts, walnuts, almonds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and flaxseeds.

Refined carbs
Although most healthy diets eliminate foods such as bread, pasta, and noodles, gout sufferers may include the same in moderate amounts as they tend to have low purine content. However, one must be wary of these simple carbs as they may steadily spike your blood sugar levels and you may end up with diabetes. Whole grains can be allowed in a gout-friendly diet but in moderation as they contain moderate purine amounts.

Dairy products
Low-fat dairy products are excellent dietary choices for people suffering from gout, thanks to their low-purine content. Foods such as milk, cottage cheese, and yogurt can lower inflammation to a great extent and hence one of the best dietary tips for gout is to add a high-quality protein like milk and milk products to your diet.

The popular dietary approach called DASH, i.e., Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, is not only good for reducing blood pressure, but it is a good one for gout patients too. It emphasizes the consumption of whole grains, beans, healthy fats such as olive oil, nuts, and low-fat dairy while controlling the intake of animal protein and sweets. In fact, such dietary tips for gout are largely beneficial for controlling and preventing several chronic diseases.